Preguntas Frequentes FAQs
Como rento un buzon?...
muy facil...
1. Escoja su buzon y tiempo de renta ( haga click en Buzones-Planes )
2. Pague su buzon
3. Mandenos:
1* FORMA con sus Datos (
o email con sus datos y quien va a compartir su buzon
2* copia de 2 Identificaciones (cualquiera con foto... sams, ife,manejo,etc)
3* forma de correo USPS - 1583 (abajo) firma en numero 16
4. Le mandaremos un email de confirmacion con su recibo y su DIRECCION con su numero de buzon y Usted podra empezar a usarlo de inmediato
5. Su direccion quedara asi: (mas numero de su buzon)
( Su Nombre )
1008 E. Pecan Blvd
D- ( ## )
McAllen, Texas 78501
Puede poner Bldg. (building) o Suite o simple D y su buzon..
Billie Eilish de Garza
1008 E. Pecan blvd. D- 222
McAllen TX 78501
Aqui le empezaremos a recibir para que usted venga o le re-enviemos.
Fiestas -- Holidays
2024 Postal Holidays
Good Friday: April 15
Memorial Day: May 30
Juneteenth: June 19
Independence Day: July 4
Labor Day: September 2
Indigenous Peoples’ Day / Columbus Day): October 14
Veterans Day: November 11
Thanksgiving Day: November 228 & 29
Day After Black Friday: November 29
Chrsitmas Eve: December 24
Christmas Day: December 25
New Years Eve: December 31
New Years Day: January 1
PREGUNTAS LLAMENOS 956-661-9823 o 566-0145
L-V Verano 8:30 am a 4:00 pm
L-V Normal 8:30 a 4:30
Sabado 10:00 am a 2:00 pm
Domingo Cerrados
entrega fuera de horario: Contactenos PREVIO y con gusto le entregamos costo extra $30
Facil LLame al (956) 661-9823 o 566-0145
y le hacemos cargo a su tarjeta
banco carga servicio por telefono aplica 2.99%
Más Facil PayPal
Lo Más Facil Pago con PayPal o Tarjeta
Rente o Renueve en Planes-Buzones
Rapido - Seguro - Garantizado
Top Facil Aqui en la pagina, cheque pagos, envios
o Renta de Buzones y puede pagar con
cualquier tarjeta de credito
escoja su buzon y pague y queda registrado
Telefono (956) 566-171
Nuestro seguro (Liability) es de un maximo de $100 dolares por caja y con un limite maximo en cualquier momento en especifico de todas las cajas y paquetes (cajas de peso mayor a 5 lbs o volumen mayor a 10x10x10 in. sobres y paks no aplican) que tengamos en su buzon, que no supere el monto de lo pagado por su renta anual. Al rentar con nosotros acepta estas condiciones. Si le vamos a recibir algo de un costo mas alto, le pedimos nos envie un email avisandonos de recibo de articulo de alto valor para estar pendiente de recibirlo y poner extra atencion a ese paquete., y resguardo en lugar especial, de otra forma se recibira igual y solo estar asegurado con los limites marcados anteriormente,. Cargos extras aplican en caso de cajas con seguro extra. Si no paga el seguro, no estara cubierto. De igual forma en caso de envio el valor maximo incluido en UPS es de 100 Dolares por caja, aunque usted puede escojer el limite de seguro al momento de hacer el envio
Usted acepta estas condiciones al momento de rentar su buzon. Cualquier duda por favor consultar o click en contactarnos.
RENTAL AGREEMENT Between Mailboxes USA and Customer (You)
All information provided by customer is confidential and will not be disclosed except for law enforcement purposes or in response to a subpoena or court order.
Our services may not be used for any purpose prohibited by postal regulations or for any other illegal or illegitimate purpose.
Our service fees are all due and payable in advance yearly or as stated, no proration is available, and no refund paid for cancellation of service.
Accounts are delinquent after due date and mail will be held pending payment, Services will be terminated 30 days after due date if no communication from renter is received by fax or email with promise of payment or ask us or otherwise, and mail will be returned to sender, as per packages will be placed on hold until agreement.
Upon termination of service, we will forward customers mail for 30 days at no charge provided that customer pays for postage.
We will accept mail for up to 5 names for each mailbox /account provided all are residents of the same household or business entity or associated with the same business.
Postal regulations do not permit us to receive certified or registered mail, however the forms provided by the postal service will be placed on your mailbox, so you can ask for your certified mail at the local post office.
Postage due items will be accepted and paid for you, provided you have arranged with us a deposit for that purpose.
C.O.D. items are accepted only if prior arrangements are made, and payment in advance is left with us, so we can thus pay for your items at time of delivery. A charge of 10 dollars applies for each occurrence.
Customer agrees during the rental period, to use a rented box or any other service for only lawful purposes and in conformity with all applicable federal, state and local laws.
Customer further agrees to protect, indemnify and save harmless us from and against any and all claims, demands, lawsuits and causes or action of any nature whatsoever, and any expense incident to defense by us of any such demand or action arising out of or in limitation, all demands, claims and causes of action for personal injury or property damage or loss, arising from such use or possession, for failure of the USPS, UPS, FEDEX, ESTAFETA, DHL or any other carrier, to delver on time or otherwise any item, mail parcels or such, for damage to or loss of postal box contents for any cause whatsoever, and for any loss or damage in between deliveries, forward requests, or misdeliveries or delivery to unauthorized persons. We agree to set Hidalgo County Texas as place to all notices and litigation procedures.
Customer agrees and understand that this is not a rental agreement that places us and customer in a position of landlord and tenant; it is agreement of bailment. And renter is responsible to pay rent even if no reminder is received, even if you are not receiving mail or parcels, , you need to notify us in case you want to cancel the rental agreement. These agreements are set to be as a Nonstandard Rental Provision.
In addition customer agrees that upon his default in payment or rent of any other service charges required by this agreement, we may at our option, as security for rent, withhold or refuse customer’s mail or parcels during the period of default, and should default continue, may withhold mail indefinitely or return to sender.
Possession of a lockbox key or combination or receipt of payment is considered by us to be valid evidence that possessor is authorized to remove mail from box.
We do not deliver or open boxes to anybody unless there is a written request by the owner/renter for us to be authorized to deliver mail to anybody else. Such written proofs may include email, fax, letter or handwritten authorization. Only in special occasions we accept authorization via telephone or any other.
We are not liable for any damage or loss or mis-delivery on any mail or parcels, and we do not accept parcels or mail with a value of $150 (one hundred and fifty dollars) or more, or the value of the rent you pay every 12 months , or the rent of one year, provided its paid and in good standing. ,meaning rent is paid and in good standing including extra fees are paid in full., if rent is not paid or it is past-due at time of any incident, or you have skipped payments, the insurance limit of any and all items being held at our property will be zero dollars due to rent and or fees are in and at any time we cannot hold boxes or mail with a total combined value of $300 (three hundred dollars), as we cannot be held responsible for . The maximum Insured limit to any and ALL your boxes or packages we held in our property at any given time, will never exceed the value of your annual rent paid, rental being in good standing, with no rent-due , fees-due or skipped payments. However we may receive parcels of higher value provided we cannot be held responsible for any amount over the value of payment paid for rent for one year, we suggest you let us know in advance of any special parcel to be delivered, and we will place it in a special secure place in the store, such process is subject to special handling charges. If no written notice is received and acknowledged by us we will suppose the value of any and all your boxes, parcels combined won’t be over the $150 dollars limit or the amount you paid by year in rent of your mailbox, or the amount of mail or parcels at any given time wont be of any higher value than $150 dollars.
COVID-19 Addendum, we are experiencing some parcels being lost in the mail, specifically with some carriers such as USPS, FedEx, UPS etc, and since we are not required to sign for the parcels they deliver, we are NOT liable for lost parcels even if the carriers say they delivered to us, we will always help you locate or confirm that we did not receive so you can place a claim with your provider.
There are limits to the free of charge items we can receive in your mailbox according to the mailbox size you choose to rent, if you exceed the limit of items that you receive free of charge, will incur in extra fees, same that we will bill and inform you, so you can cover those fees, We are always happy to help our customers, but we must be fair to all customers so if you rent a Medium family size box, and your receive 20 packages a week clearly exceeding the limits of your box, we will receive them, but you need to pay for the extra fees, And Insurance limits remain the same according to your annual mailbox rent. You have the choice of upgrading the mailbox size/ rent ant any time, just let us know in writing.
At any given time , the maximum INSURED value of ALL the items received in your mailbox will not exceed the price of your annual payment, so if you pay $149 a year, that is the maximum coverage that is insured in case of fire or theft, at any given time, with limits and constraints given by insurance provider, and our policies set here.
Customer recognizes that at the time his/her mailbox rental is discontinued for whatever reason, Postal regulations require that his/her mail, be forwarded only with additional postage thereon or that mail will be refused and subsequently disposed of. Customer therefore makes the election, which is to be placed in effect the time the mail box rental service is discontinued, either by himself, his agent or mail service.
In the unlikely event of a change of place of business by the mailbox service provider, customer understands and agrees to bound an continue the service provided by the company in the new location, provided that the company will advise of the new location address and all related information, as well as help the customer in notifying other service providers of the change of address. The company will help the customer by providing the USPS the notice of change of address, so all mail will be forwarded to the new location, having considerable amount of time to send notices to businesses and family of the new location.
You agree and are bound by our terms, when you rent a mailbox from us.
Box Number_____________________________Signature____________________________
FORMA 1583 de USPS aqui la obtiene Click Forma 1583, escanee y envie firmada y copia de 2 identificaciones
mande a
aqui la encuentra
Por favor llenar cajas 1, 3a,b,c,d, 5 (si va a compartir con otros), 7 a 11 y 16.
United States Postal Service Application to Act as a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency 1. Date TO: POSTMASTER In registering with the Postal Service to act as an agency to receive delivery of mail of others, the agent agrees to the following: (1) the Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) must have on file a Form 1583, Application for Delivery of Mail Through Agent, for each addressee or firm receiving mail at the agency; (2) a CMRA must represent its delivery address as a private mailbox; (3) the CMRA is not authorized to accept Registered Mail from their clients for mailing, the Post Office is the only acceptable mailing point; (4) the CMRA must be in full compliance with Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) 508.1.8.1 through 508.1.8.4 and other applicable postal requirements to receive delivery of mail from the Postal Service; and (5) when any information required on this form changes, the CMRA owner or manager must file a revised application with the postmaster. NOTE: The CMRA owner or manager must execute this form in duplicate in the presence of the postmaster or designee. The CMRA owner or manager retains the signed duplicate copy and signs in this space to signify receipt and understanding of applicable DMM regulations regarding delivery of mail to a CMRA by the Postal Service. This application may be subject to verification procedures by the Postal Service to confirm that the CMRA owner or manager resides at the permanent home address listed below, and that identification presented in box 10 is valid. Failure to comply with DMM 508.1.8.1 through 508.1.8.4 and all other applicable Postal Service requirements may subject the agency to withholding of mail until corrective action is taken. 2. Name of Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) (Corporation or Trade Name) 3. Name of CMRA Owner/Manager 4. Street Address of CMRA (Number, street, city, state, and ZIP Code) 5. P.O. Box Address of CMRA (Include city, state, and ZIP Code) 6. CMRA Telephone Number ( ) 7. Permanent Home Address of CMRA Owner/Manager (Number, street, city, state, and ZIP Code) 8. Home Telephone Number of CMRA Owner/Manager ( ) 9. Agency Manager or Contact (Name and telephone number) ( ) 10. Two types of identification are required. One must contain a photograph of the CMRA owner or manager. Social Security cards, credit cards, and birth certificates are unacceptable as identification. The postmaster or designee must write in type of identifying information. a. b. Acceptable identification includes: valid driver's license or state nondriver's identification card; armed forces, government, university or recognized corporate identification card; Passport, alien registration card or certificate of naturalization; current lease, a mortgage, or Deed of Trust; voter or vehicle registration card; or a home or vehicle insurance policy. A photocopy of your identification may be retained by postmaster or designee for verification. WARNING: The furnishing of false or misleading information on this form, or omission of material information, may result in criminal sanctions (including fines and imprisonment) and/or civil sanctions (including multiple damages and civil penalties). (18 U.S.C. 1001) See Privacy Act Statement on Reverse 11. Signature of CMRA Owner or Manager and Date 12. Signature of Postmaster or Designee and Date PS Form 1583-A, June 2011 This form is on the Internet at